Starve Ups has open membership approximately every 12 months. At times of open membership, which varies between chapters, the group traditionally adds 3 to 10 new membership per chapter. The new membership companies are always purely SURVIVE and STRIVE stage companies. As more membership companies move to THRIVE status more memberships are available.
The process around new memberships is rather simple as companies can simply submit a request to present to Starve Ups by emailing to [email protected] at any time and they will be added to an applicant list that is updated in real time.
Then at the time of open memberships they will receive a simple 2 page questionnaire around themselves as a founder and their company. They also submit a 90 second video pitch presentation about what they would like to garner from and give to Starve Ups. Finally, they provide a fifteen to twenty minute presentation to the Starve Ups group. Selections are made within a week via a voting process. Companies can apply to open memberships more than one time.
The companies selected to join as new membership companies are selected based on multiple criteria including the stage of the company, the commitment and focus of the founders and the value they can give and take from the group. For Starve Ups is about the founder more than the model or the plan.
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